Tag Archives: sandy hook

From Terror to Peace

From Terror to Peace
© NaimaLett.com/blog

© Boston Globe; First explosion goes off on Boylston Street

I sighed during airport security Saturday night.
Here we go.

Unzip boots.
Unhook belt.
Remove jacket.
Don’t forget the brim.

Unpack computer.
And toiletries.
And pockets.
And phone.

Step forward.
Arms up.
Thank you.

And thank you TSA and all our security officers providing first-line defense nationwide.

But as I began the awkward task of re-booting and re-dressing in public with fellow strangers, I had this fleeting thought:

“No way we’ll ever forget 9/11 like this…”

Not that we want to forget.
But here’s what I mean.

Every flight we take, every U.S. airport we go though, we are now physically reminded of the terror that our nation experienced 11.5 years ago. I find it impossible to disrobe and re-robe in public this often without revisiting the idea that we are not yet safe.


Then bombs go off in Boston, and we realize that we aren’t really safe.

Young, disturbed men don semiautomatic weapons and shoot up an elementary school in Sandy Hook or movie theater in Aurora, and we puzzle over how to protect our children.

Cowards blow up marathons and spray bullets into our babies to produce fear. That’s the end game of terror: creating an atmosphere of fear.

Pursuing Peace

I don’t know about you, but I am convinced that we cannot operate in an atmosphere of fear. Yes, we can keep a healthy dose of wisdom and flee danger and explosions; but we don’t have to yield to the prison of terror. We can opt to pursue peace instead.

How can we pursue peace?

Philippians 4:5-9 says that we can pray, lifting up our concerns to God, and His peace will guard our hearts and minds: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”

Choose Peace

We can choose what occupies our mind. We can choose our thoughts. I can either dwell on the constant loop of terror replayed at the top of every hour and choose fear, or I can pray for those harmed and lift up a banner of intercession around Boston and our nation.

We’re sinners who live in a fallen world and do really crappy things to hurt each other. Until Christ returns and brings everlasting peace with Him, things will be a little topsy-turvy. In the meanwhile, we can choose to walk in God’s perfect love which casts out fear. We can choose peace.

That’s what I’m doing today, as I pray for Boston. Join me.
That’s what I’ll do this week when I’m back in the airport line.
Won’t you do the same next time you travel?
Let’s choose peace.

Can we do that?

Rev. Naima Lett, D.MIN, ABD
Author of coming release, Confessions of a Hollywood Christian

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