Upset Down D!

Upset Down D! ORIGINAL POST: 3/28/12
LENT DAY 25 of 40, ©

© source, Szymbark, Poland

Yep. Your eyes are not deceiving you.
That is an upside down house.
On purpose.

There are several on-purpose, upside-down buildings all over the world: South Korea, Japan, Spain, Poland. Who knew?

The interior design student who posted the house picture above reported that its builder was making an artistic statement about the current state of the world, among other things. She said that workers had to take breaks every three hours because they became disoriented and confused, and some tourists got dizzy or felt seasick when in the house. Go figure.

Upside down takes some getting used to.

As we look at Jesus’ life during this Lenten season leading up to Easter, we’ve called our series, “Upside Down D!” (D for Discipleship). I’ve preached about the seemingly bizarre way of doing things we’re called to when we follow Christ.

I can only imagine what Jesus’ disciples must’ve been thinking when He said things like, “Deny yourself and follow me.” Why would anyone, in their right mind, want to deny him/herself? This could be a totally foreign concept to our “Me/My/I” generation. We’re more likely to say, “Deny myself? I thought I was supposed to ‘Get mine!'”

Say What?

Jesus says to His disciples in MATTHEW 16:24-27,
“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.”

By worldly standards, this is NOT the way to get followers today.
Not in politics.
Not in business.
Not in Hollywood.

What a Sales Pitch!

If we posted a message on our website that said, “If you roll with us, you might die”, would you continue? Probably not. But that’s what Jesus said to his disciples.

What’s fascinating is that just before the verses quoted above, Jesus tells his disciples that He will suffer horribly and die, then rise again. So before He tells them that they will lose their lives following him, He explains that he’s definitely going to lose His life. What a sales pitch!

But He breaks it down like this: What can this world offer in exchange for our souls? Is there anything that we can think of on this side of heaven that compares to what we will experience in eternity with Him?

Everything that we have on this earth is temporary: our beautiful homes, clothes, cars, jewelry, possessions, bank accounts, retirement funds, s.e.x., food, vacations… it all goes bye-bye when we die. Steve Jobs could not take his iPod/iPad designs or billions of dollars with him when he departed this earth. This world, this side, is not the end of the story. And Jesus says each person will be rewarded according to what we have done. We will all be held accountable for our actions.

Be encouraged.

I understand this is not a popular message. I’m not trying to rain on anyone’s parade. I actually think it’s quite encouraging. We don’t have to second guess what’s expected of us, if we decide to follow Jesus. He tells us straight up.

And here’s the best part: When we “lose” our lives for His sake, our lives are actually “found”. We are rescued from death. We are saved from penalty. That’s upside down for sure!

Upside Down D!

So, how are we doing with our upside down discipleship? Have we had incidents of ‘denial of self’ recently? Especially during this fast? Anybody had to take up a cross or two or three?

Take courage. He who promises reward is faithful. Nothing we have given up goes unnoticed. As we travel the road of the cross, let’s remember it leads to a glorious resurrection. That’s Upside Down D!

All this upside down talk has me thinking of pineapple upside-down cake: pineapples, cherries, brown sugar. Anybody else hungry?

Excuse me, breakfast calls.

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© 2013 Naima Lett. All Rights Reserved

About Naima Lett

Naima loves helping folks find their purpose and follow their dreams while deepening their faith. Often called The Hollywood Christian, she believes everyone should find a reason to dance daily, enjoy the 80 degrees and a breeze of the LaLa at least once, and have her Grandmother's bread pudding or sweet potato pie on holidays. Both are divine! :=) -- Dr. Naima Lett, Author: Confessions of a Hollywood Christian, CoPastor: Hope in the Hills, Beverly Hills