Up in the Air



When you get this, I’ll likely still be “up in the air”.

Did you see that movie a couple of years ago with Academy Award winner George Clooney?
It really captured some of the challenges of life on the road, or in the air, rather.

Traveling frequently is not so bad… after we undress, re-dress and get our minds right for security.

And traveling on the red-eye is actually ideal. We load in, hit play on the pod, and knock out.
But that didn’t happen on a recent flight. My neighbor actually wanted to connect up in the air.

“So, what do you do?” he inquired.

“Sleep,” I thought, but didn’t say, as that would’ve been a little rude. OK, a lot rude.

“My husband and I have a production company, ministry and bible fellowship in Beverly Hills,” I actually said.

“Is that like, Christian?”


“What denomination?”

“The bible fellowship is non-denominational on inter-denominational, whichever you’d like to call it. Everybody’s welcome.”

“And what do you do?”

“I preach. I’m 1/2 way through my Doctorate in preaching…”

“Humph, I’ve got some questions.”

That’s how our conversation started. And for 2 1/2 hours, we talked theology and Bible. He had great questions and things he had been thinking about for quite some time. I consider myself a tour guide of sorts to help folks navigate around God’s Word, so I didn’t mind. Then, he looked at the time, decided he needed to get some rest, turned out his light and was sleep in 5 minutes.

But now, I was wide awake.
I chuckled to myself and pulled out my sudoku.

No need in getting upset. I was reminded of that passage in Hebrews in which the Biblical writer encourages us to love each other and extend kindness to strangers. Remember that one?

Hebrews 13:1-3

1 Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. 2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. ^3 Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.

I’m pretty sure that the writer wasn’t imagining showing hospitality on a plane thousands of miles up in the air, but the concept is the same. We are to remember and do for others, up in the air or otherwise.

That’s what the movie was about. Making connections. Having human interaction.
Making time for one another.

The truth is that I could always get more rest later on.

I think about my brother and sister-in-law right now with my newborn nephew and the lack of sleep they may be experiencing. But they are doing what they have to do in shifts to meet his needs. That’s what we do for family. We could do the same for our extended human family as well. Shift to meet needs.

Just some things to ponder this week.

Hey, I’ll be in Dallas, doing some filming as well as ministry.
Thursday is the National Day of Prayer. I’m ministering at the Hope Center for ProvenWay Ministries.
Dallas Fam, holler!

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About Naima Lett

Naima loves helping folks find their purpose and follow their dreams while deepening their faith. Often called The Hollywood Christian, she believes everyone should find a reason to dance daily, enjoy the 80 degrees and a breeze of the LaLa at least once, and have her Grandmother's bread pudding or sweet potato pie on holidays. Both are divine! :=) -- Dr. Naima Lett, Author: Confessions of a Hollywood Christian, CoPastor: Hope in the Hills, Beverly Hills

2 thoughts on “Up in the Air

  1. Dear Naima~~I was so thrilled to read your message today… I am a retired Schoolteacher/Musician/Writer living just 30 miles south of Dallas…I wish I knew if and when you will be speaking in Dallas, we would try to come hear you.
    I loved reading about your Connection on board the plane. It reminded me of the connections I have made, rather I should say our Father has made for me since a little over a year ago. Last February, I was reading the Billy Graham site on FB, and I came across a letter from a young woman in Brazil who asked for prayer. I felt led to answer her, and heard back from her with a friend request. Also, since January, I had been reading and enjoying the comments of a lady in Russia who was writing in on Max Lucado’s Facebook site. I had been thinking of writing her to be friends and suddenly I had a friend request from her. Next came a young woman in Indonesia, all of us feeling that our Father had brought us together. What a Blessed group it has become and the number has multiplied to include many others from all over the world, all of us so thrilled to find our Father’s Family so far apart in miles, yet so near and close in our Hearts….Spiritual Connections and having time as you said, for each other….What a blessing to my life as is reading your blog, and dreaming along with you~~”With God, All Things Are Possible”
    as well you know….
    Be Blessed this week as you go about our Father’s Business….
    Love and Prayers Always~~

    1. Hi Sara!
      Wonderful to hear from you.
      Thanks so much for sharing your stories. Truly awesome! Go forth!
      And thanks for the beautiful encouragement.
      Hey, the event in Dallas/Plano is tonight – http://www.provenway.org/event/laugh-cry-pray/
      It’s free and we’re going to have a good time: Laugh. Cry. Pray.
      And there’s an ice cream bar… :=)
      I know that’s a bit of a trek from 30 miles south of Dallas, but I’m back to LaLa Land tomorrow.
      Lots of love your way.

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