Spring’s Master Stylist

Spring’s Master Stylist!
LENT DAY 23 of 40, © NaimaLett.com/blog

Spring on the Set! ©Naima Lett, Bird of Paradise ©Stretlitzia Reginae, source

Hollywood stylists know how to create Spring on a film set!

Neon green overlay. Check!
Bright yellow sunflowers. Check!
Rainbow polka-dot galoshes. Check!
Lights. Camera. Action!

Real Spring

Yet, our best attempts still only recreate a smidgen of the real Spring that’s happening outside. The LaLa’s Official Flower, the Bird of Paradise, is in full bloom all over the city and it’s beautiful. This South African transplant’s brilliant orange-golden, purplish-blue peaks decorating our yard make me constantly halt and say, “Praise God!”

The Master Stylist

For isn’t God the Original Master Stylist?
Doesn’t He know how to put stuff together and make an “Oh no He didn’t!” statement?

I love Jesus’ words in Luke 12:27-28, “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith!”

If God clothes the birds of paradise and their pedals sing outside our window, can He not clothe you, me, family, friends? Jesus says “how much more will He clothe” us! How much more! Thus, He gives the command to not worry.

Fam, as Spring breaks forth and flowers burst open, please be reminded that the same Master Stylist who dresses the grass of the field in splendor is able to take care of you and me.

Lots of love from the LaLa,

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© 2013 Naima Lett. All Rights Reserved

About Naima Lett

Naima loves helping folks find their purpose and follow their dreams while deepening their faith. Often called The Hollywood Christian, she believes everyone should find a reason to dance daily, enjoy the 80 degrees and a breeze of the LaLa at least once, and have her Grandmother's bread pudding or sweet potato pie on holidays. Both are divine! :=) -- Dr. Naima Lett, Author: Confessions of a Hollywood Christian, CoPastor: Hope in the Hills, Beverly Hills

5 thoughts on “Spring’s Master Stylist

  1. What an awesome God we serve!!
    Kwane likes the Birds of Paradise and made comment of them when we were at your home. Have a great week!

  2. My hubby & I watched the first 2 episodes of The Bible last night, I am also DVRing. It was a good piece, followed the Bible fairly well. I had the NIV version open as I watched. It was like a home bible study REVIEW. You can’t just use this as gospel, but it seems to be a more ACCURATE guide then most movies out there. My concern is the fallout about the “fallout” THE BIBLE may get about the nationalities used. Those of us of color tend to forget what locales the bible was written because of how we were taught back in the day. I got my old maps out & they were pretty right on about Sampson. So is this the first reality of separation of races!? I’m not a Bible scholar, BUT it makes u want to go Hmm!!

    1. Hi Sondra,

      I finally caught up on the series as well, and I agree, it cannot be used as gospel. I guess it could be used more for general purposes or a jump-off point. Following along with my Bible was frustrating because I kept seeing the glaring discrepancies; so I just put the Scriptures aside and tried to watch what was on the screen. Sad, but true.

      In terms of Samson, he was from Zorah, a city about 8 miles west of Jerusalem. I don’t believe he was of African hue, any more than I believe any of the Danites were of African hue. I also don’t believe that Noah, Abraham or any of the Israelites had British accents. But hey, I didn’t spend 4 years pulling together the production or $22 million on it; so I can only offer my reaction and create authentic material in the future. :=)

      Thanks for sharing. Good to hear from you.

  3. Thx for getting back to me.. As far as the discrepancies you know w/ tv they pick the “highlights”of the bible before anything else…and thx for the geography lesson even looking at my maps I was wrong…BUT u see the controversy that could spring up

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