Me & My Mom


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went to our heavenly home when I was a sophomore at Howard University (cancer). I subsequently spent a lot of time staring at a younger photo of her (above)… not because I missed her immensely, though that was true; but mostly I was trying to find some trace of myself in there somewhere – in her eyes, her smile.

I had just turned 20 years old, and I was still forming my own identity, regardless of what my husband Kevin would say, whom I met at 18. Hear him tell it, I was pretty confident back then. “Bold” is the term he used.

But I didn’t feel very bold that year. I teetered somewhere between auto-pilot numb and verge-of-tears fragile. Only an encounter with the Lord Himself put me on a path towards okay-ness.

My dad reminded me a lot that as time passed, things would get better. So true. The grief (Thank God for grief counseling!) eventually gave way to acceptance and peace. I still miss my mom, but it’s not painful anymore. I look forward with joy and anticipation to dancing and singing with her again some day and hearing her laugh! That laugh lit up many a’rooms and lifted countless burdens. She’s electric!


And the funny thing is when the grief lifted, I could see clearly. I had matured. I was very much my own woman, but I looked at Mama’s photo one day, and I could finally see the resemblance – the same shape eyes, nose, chin. Same height and build. Actually, at my age, she was smaller than me. I tried to put on her wedding dress and couldn’t fit. LOL!


Why was it so important for me to see myself in my mother’s eyes? Because from the time I was born, she helped me see who I was. I believed I could be and do anything because she started telling me so when I was still in diapers. I grew to be confident (okay… Bold!) because she was bold, and I walked in her 8.5 size heels (same size). She was a leader and a straight-shooter, and I’m told I picked that up along the way. And when I needed to find my eternal identity in Christ, the path was made easier because Mom & Dad had always pointed us to Him.

What am I saying? We look to you, Moms. As children, we see ourselves in you, first, and we believe what you say, and even more so, what you do. If you are fearless, we learn fearlessness. If you’re honest, we learn honesty. If you say we’re beautiful or handsome, and treat us as such, we believe you. Now, we’ll all go through that awkward-gotta-figure-things-out-for-ourselves phase, but we’ll bounce back a lot quicker if you’ve laid a solid foundation of truth that we never forget.


Whether you’ve just turned 71 (Happy Birthday to You!) or you’re a new mommy at 31, please know how very influential you are in the lives of your children. We look to you and need you. We honor you and we celebrate you. Thank you for helping to shape who we are. Thank you especially for your love. We love you.

Happy Mother’s Day!

And if you’re in the LaLa this Sunday, we’re honoring moms at Hope in the Hills. RSVP today.

Rev. Naima Lett, D.MIN, ABD
The Hollywood Christian®
Author of coming release Confessions of a Hollywood Christian®

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About Naima Lett

Naima loves helping folks find their purpose and follow their dreams while deepening their faith. Often called The Hollywood Christian, she believes everyone should find a reason to dance daily, enjoy the 80 degrees and a breeze of the LaLa at least once, and have her Grandmother's bread pudding or sweet potato pie on holidays. Both are divine! :=) -- Dr. Naima Lett, Author: Confessions of a Hollywood Christian, CoPastor: Hope in the Hills, Beverly Hills

10 thoughts on “Me & My Mom

  1. All I can say is….very nice.

    And,,Boy! Do you ever look like your Mom!

    1. Thanks so much, Mike! Appreciate it!

      Yes, we agree. Those genetic apples fell real close to the tree! Lol!

      Have a fantastic weekend. Happy Mom’s Day to Karen!

  2. This is a peaceful and happy message. Time with God is healing. Thank you for the reminder. Much love to you and my Hope in the Hills family.

  3. Beautiful post. I look forward to getting to someday meet your mom in Heaven and tell her about the amazing woman you turned out to be!

  4. This very moment is when I realize that your amazing mother and my marvelous mother (Jessie Wilson Hall) are together! This makes me smile through the tears. Thank You for sharing! It truly helped me!

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