Lesson from Space Shuttle Hollywood

Lesson from Space Shuttle Hollywood
© NaimaLett.com/blog

© source

“Only in Los Angeles”, CNN anchor Jim Clancy exclaimed.

Space Shuttle Endeavour makes history again today.

After 25 successful launches, 4,700 orbits around the earth, and 123 million air miles, Shuttle Endeavour has embarked upon “Mission 26”, its last 12-mile trek to its final home in the California Science Center (Inglewood) becoming the first and only shuttle ever to parade down U.S. city streets.

Because pulling off such a historic feat costs
$10 million with at least
12 months of planning including
400 trees cut down to allow space for
160-wheeled carrier bed to roll the
170,000 pound shuttle with
78 feet wingspan and
50 feet height.

That’s Hollywood, for you.

We’ve turned La Tijera Blvd into the most sophisticated red carpet ever complete with 2,000 movable steel plates leap-frogging each other and ‘easing on down the road’.

Everyday citizens have become paparazzi, with pajamaed-toddlers in tow, lining the streets at 2 A.M. as Endeavour sauntered down its concrete runway at 2 mph. That’s right. 2.0 mph. This $1.7 billion, nearly 80-ton celebrity will take 2 days to arrive to its new platform. 2.0 days.

© Philip Millard source

Got me to thinking…
There’s a lesson to be learned, even after all this extraordinary pomp & circumstance.

The Lesson:
Value takes time.
i.e. Good things come to those who wait.
i.e. “The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty”. Proverbs 21:5
or “Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind.” Prv 21:5 (Msg)

It took more than 12 months of tedious planning and hundreds of people to pull this whole extravaganza off. It took T-I-M-E. And it’s still taking TIME. There is no way to get 80 tons down the street fast – especially city streets on earth-faults that occasionally move. Power lines have been disabled. Cars cleared. They made special “Shuttle Crossing” signs, for crying out loud.

And in the same way that Lady Endeavour is not rushing down her platinum steel runway, we don’t have to hurry and scurry down ours.

We’ve been exploring our God-given dreams over the last couple of weeks. It took Joseph 13 years to begin to see his dream manifest and at least 20 years to see it fully realized. Why do we think our own dreams are going to magically, microwaverly appear? (I’m aware I just made up a word… You get my point!) It takes TIME. It takes planning. It takes resources… hopefully not $10 million of taxpayer dollars, but I digress.

Make your plans, Fam.
Map your route.
Hire your team.
Put things in motion.

And one day, when you strut down your yellow brick road at 2 mph, we’ll gather around with our paparazzi lenses and cheer you on.

All that I ask is that you jump off after 4 AM. I try my best not to be up with my husband, who gets up at 2:00; but most times I am. I just can’t be camera-ready by then, unless of course we turn it into a film set, at which point we can talk union rates, etc…. :=)

Welcome to Hollywood, Endeavour.
And who are you wearing?

Are you willing to take the time needed to manifest your dream?
Comment below, or
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Twitter – @naimalett

About Naima Lett

Naima loves helping folks find their purpose and follow their dreams while deepening their faith. Often called The Hollywood Christian, she believes everyone should find a reason to dance daily, enjoy the 80 degrees and a breeze of the LaLa at least once, and have her Grandmother's bread pudding or sweet potato pie on holidays. Both are divine! :=) -- Dr. Naima Lett, Author: Confessions of a Hollywood Christian, CoPastor: Hope in the Hills, Beverly Hills