Success is Not a Dirty Word. Day 21/40


© Artist Harry Starr “Success… For most it begins with a dream, a vision of where you want to go and a determination to persevere.”

‘SUCCESS’ gets a bad rep in many faith-filled circles, which is understandable if we’ve pursued it at the detriment of everything else. But success, in and of itself, is not a dirty word.

The word ‘success’ is defined as “the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted”.

When we start a work, we aim to finish it. We intend to achieve what we desire, plan, and attempt. Otherwise, why desire? Why plan? Why attempt?

Can we keep a job if we don’t complete the tasks assigned to us?
Can we book an acting role if we don’t prepare, network, and actually do the work?
Can we foster healthy relationships without actually pouring time and effort into them?

The answer is “No”. In order to achieve something, anything, we must first desire, plan, and attempt to actually do it. We’ve got to put forth some effort. And when/if we accomplish whatever we strive for, that is called ‘success’.

Why are we even talking about success? Because today we reach the chapter of Nehemiah where success is obtained. They accomplish their goal. The wall is complete.

Nehemiah & Success:
Nehemiah prays to the God of heaven for success. (Neh 1:11)
Nehemiah tells his naysayers that the God of heaven will give them success. (Neh 2:20)
Nehemiah organizes the people, works relentlessly through threats and opposition, and achieves success. And the nations acknowledge that the success is accomplished with the help of God. (Neh 6:16)

Day 21:
Take a look below at NEHEMIAH 6:15-16

15 So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of the month Elul, in fifty-two days. ^16 When all our enemies heard of it, and all the nations surrounding us saw it, they lost their confidence; for they recognized that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God.

Nehemiah and the people of God rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem in 52 days under great threat. That’s less than 2 months. When the nations surrounding them saw the magnitude of their accomplishment, they recognized that Judah had help from God. How else could they possibly achieve such greatness in such a short amount of time?

Please note that Nehemiah’s mission was not a selfish one of chasing personal fame and fortune. It was exactly the opposite. His heart was broken when he heard of his people’s plight, and he humbled himself and sought the Lord through prayer and fasting (Neh 1). When asked, Nehemiah was prepared and presented a plan of restoration to the king and got permission to go do the
work to help his people (Neh 2). Nehemiah turned down money and personal accumulations through taxes that would’ve burdened his nation, and instead, simply said, “Lord, you remember what I’ve done for the people” (Neh 5).

This doesn’t mean that money and resources are bad. Nehemiah had to acquire money and resources to get the work done. He obtained the resources he needed from the king’s connections to complete his work. These resources were merely a means to an end, not the goal itself. Does that make sense?

Nehemiah’s success wasn’t based on how many camels he had lining his driveway. The success that he asked God for, and that God granted, was to help rebuild an entire nation. Now, that’s what’s up!

What’s the point?

There is nothing inherently wrong with success i.e. achieving our goals. It feels extraordinary to finish a work that we’ve labored over.

The real question is, “Who or what drives our success?”

Nehemiah achieves success and he and all the surrounding nations acknowledge God. His success is not for success’ sake or for personal gain, but to help restore a people.

What drives our success today?
Who drives our success?

This goes back to purpose. Why are we here?
What is our particular uniqueness? What’s our personal mission statement?

Nehemiah’s mission is to rebuild a nation, starting with a wall.
And when Nehemiah asks God for success, God doesn’t say, “Dirty word! How dare you ask me that! Go sit in the corner.” God grants him success, and the nations glorify God.

What area are we asking God to grant us success in today?
When God grants it, will people glorify Him, or do we want them to glorify us?
Something to ponder…

Lots of love your way.
Go forth,

1) Confession & Repentance – Let’s confess our wrongs and ask forgiveness
2) Complete transparency – Let our guard down and talk to God about our lives.
3) Listen – Let’s quiet and listen to God’s Spirit re: the scriptures, etc.
4) Intercession for others – Let’s pray for our family, friends, coworkers, church, etc.

About Naima Lett

Naima loves helping folks find their purpose and follow their dreams while deepening their faith. Often called The Hollywood Christian, she believes everyone should find a reason to dance daily, enjoy the 80 degrees and a breeze of the LaLa at least once, and have her Grandmother's bread pudding or sweet potato pie on holidays. Both are divine! :=) -- Dr. Naima Lett, Author: Confessions of a Hollywood Christian, CoPastor: Hope in the Hills, Beverly Hills