Love You Because. Day 16/40

I Love You Because… – DAY 16 of 40 (LENT)

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…,” begins Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Victorian Sonnet 43, a love note to her husband, Robert.

Who doesn’t LOVE love notes?
My husband just wrote such a sweet one for Valentine’s Day. Carry it with me every day.

When we start a sentence with “I love you because…,” and list the reasons, it’s just magical.

Our weekends during LENT are times of reflection and thanksgiving. Let’s take a moment this weekend to reflect on whom we love and why.

The psalmist gives us a beautiful example:
DAY 16:
Click and read: PSALM 116:1-7, The Message

This is a love song to God for rescuing the psalmist. It’s his way of saying “Thank you.”

If we wrote a love note to God today, what would it say?
If we wrote a love song to someone in our lives that we adore – our significant other, best friend, father, mother, etc. – what would we sing?

Feeling adventurous?
Let’s try it!
Here’s our chance to let our inner Whitney, Celine, Luther or Sinatra come out:

I love you _____________ because….
1. You…

How’d we do?

Feeling really bold?
Let’s read our note to our loved one. Sing our song to God.
Let’s knock ourselves out!
Let’s walk on the wild side of Lent! :=)

I love you because….
Enjoy your Sunday off.
See you Monday,


Our weekends during our 40-day journey of devotions through [5]LENT season, are a time of reflection and thanksgiving. Traditionally, during LENT, SUNDAYS are considered mini-celebrations (symbolizing Christ’s resurrection) following FRIDAYS’ special times of fasting (symbolizing His death). Thus, LENT starts on Ash Wednesday and goes for 46 days ending Easter, but the 6 Sundays are excluded, equaling 40 days. Get it? We make a sacrifice of something meaningful for the entire 40 days, but Sundays are excluded. So, Saturday, you’ll get a devotional that you can meditate on for the entire weekend. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks.

1) Confession & Repentance – Let’s confess our wrongs and ask forgiveness
2) Complete transparency – Let our guard down and talk to God about our lives.
3) Listen – Let’s quiet and listen to God’s Spirit re: the scriptures, etc.
4) Intercession for others – Let’s pray for our family, friends, coworkers, church, etc.

About Naima Lett

Naima loves helping folks find their purpose and follow their dreams while deepening their faith. Often called The Hollywood Christian, she believes everyone should find a reason to dance daily, enjoy the 80 degrees and a breeze of the LaLa at least once, and have her Grandmother's bread pudding or sweet potato pie on holidays. Both are divine! :=) -- Dr. Naima Lett, Author: Confessions of a Hollywood Christian, CoPastor: Hope in the Hills, Beverly Hills