This Battle is God’s. Day 12/40

This Battle is God’s – DAY 12 of 40 (LENT) | Naima Lett

Do you remember Yolanda Adams’ hit The Battle is the Lord’s, (VIDEO:)
Ever wonder where that title came from?

Yesterday, we saw a description of what true fasting is, (Isaiah 58: 1-12).
Today, we see an example of what true fasting does, and where Yolanda’s song originated.

When a vast army came against God’s people, King Jehoshophat called a nationwide fast and Judah sought the Lord’s help. Boy, oh, boy, did God help!

Day 12: Today’s Reading
Click here to read: 2 CHRONICLES 20: 1-30

There is so much in this scripture, but let’s focus on what God did.

The Lord heard and responded to the prayer and fasting of His people. He defended them against their enemies. God fought their battle. By the time Judah showed up, their enemies had already annihilated themselves.

Does that make anybody else leap?
Does hope spring up on the inside?

I’m not one that usually says, “Lord, you did this for so-and-so, so you have to do it for me,” because God is creative and works out each scenario according to His perfect will for each child. Also, every battle is not the same. Sometimes, God’s people fight. Other times, they don’t. Different battles, different strategies. But I do read scriptures like the one above and see God’s
eternal character and heart and know what He’s capable of.

This scripture encourages us that God is more than capable of taking care of His enemies that rise against us. When we talk about enemies, this does not include nemeses that we’ve acquired because we’ve dogged people out and not treated them right. For that, we need to repent to God and go ask folks for forgiveness. The enemies that this scripture alludes to are the ones that want
to wipe us out because we belong to God.

There are some circumstances that we are facing where God is allowing the hardship to mature us and build our trust in Him. There are other situations where our enemy has just gone straight ignorant, and we can fall on our face as Judah did and cry out, “We’ve done nothing wrong, Lord. And look how we are being repaid. Judge our enemy! We can’t fight this vast army. We don’t know
what to do, but our eyes are on you!” Verse 11-12

That’s true humility.
And I believe the Lord loves to answer that kind of prayer.
That’s when He shows up and shows out. He gives us specific instructions on what to do, and as we are obedient, we see Him move on our behalf.

As we fast and pray, let’s ask the Lord to take out the enemy.
Let’s seek and wait for His specific battle plan.
Then, let’s obey, stand and see the salvation of the Lord.
‘Cause, this battle is God’s.

1) Confession & Repentance – Let’s confess our wrongs and ask forgiveness
2) Complete transparency – Let our guard down and talk to God about our lives.
3) Listen – Let’s quiet and listen to God’s Spirit re: the scriptures, etc.
4) Intercession for others – Let’s pray for our family, friends, coworkers, church, etc.

About Naima Lett

Naima loves helping folks find their purpose and follow their dreams while deepening their faith. Often called The Hollywood Christian, she believes everyone should find a reason to dance daily, enjoy the 80 degrees and a breeze of the LaLa at least once, and have her Grandmother's bread pudding or sweet potato pie on holidays. Both are divine! :=) -- Dr. Naima Lett, Author: Confessions of a Hollywood Christian, CoPastor: Hope in the Hills, Beverly Hills

2 thoughts on “This Battle is God’s. Day 12/40

  1. this is very helpful, it never occured to me that some people simply want to take me out. Also that i cant look and what God does for others, that hurts a lot. i always look at others and GOD makes sure to set me apart (like im different) and just b/c He does something for others doesnt automatically mean that’s what HE wants for my life. How freeing is that, i mean i covet ALL the time. I mean i haven’t attained and God has made it clear to show me i am different. Which i guess is okay, I’m learning that He doesnt want the same thing for me. its hard when you are grouped together on a team, and perhaps you are singled out and the captain says you go home, you not really a member. But once you know it helps you with the battle plan and know which ones you were meant to fight and which ones you arent.

    1. Great to hear from you, Allison.

      Yes, it is incredibly freeing to not have to make comparisons between our lives and others. When I see how the Lord operates thru the scriptures and in people’s lives, I learn more and more about who He is and His abilities; but I usually don’t ask Him to repeat things in my life the same way. We all have different paths. I gain confidence that He can provide, because I read how He provides, I’ve seen Him provide, and I’ve experienced His provision; but I usually don’t pray things like, “Lord, provide for us like you did so-and-so”. I pray, “Lord, provide for us according to your perfect will.”

      Now, I love hearing fam’s stories of what God has done in their lives. My faith is strengthened as I hear people’s stories and I hope their faith is encouraged when they hear mine, but I think it’s hugely limiting to try to put God in a box and ask Him to answer my prayer in a specific way that He answered someone else’s request. He’s so creative! I’m usually like, “Lord, however which way You see best to work this out, I’m grateful”. So, if He wants to part a Red Sea, go forth! If He wants to open up a big hole in the ground, so be it. If He wants to send a raven with food, turn water into oil, heal the sick, raise the dead, whatever He wants to do, I will stand in awe.

      Thank you for always being so candid and transparent. Love seeing you walk out your faith.

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