Celebrating Cosby & Dads


© NBC, The Cosby Show, Carsey-Werner Productions

Is there any way to watch the opening of The Cosby Show and not feel good?

Try it!
Take 60 seconds, view the VIDEO, and see if you don’t find yourself shimmying with Bill by the end.

And if you really want a good time, watch the progression of all 7 openers from Seasons 1 – 8: Cosby Show Season Openers. They used the same song “Kiss Me”, but it evolved
from everything from big band to jazz to musical to hip hop. Fun!

Sunday is Father’s Day.

While we take time to celebrate our dads, we also take the time to celebrate America’s favorite TV dad, Cosby’s Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable. Even after more than 25 years, Huxtable still tops the polls.

When Cosby created the show, he based it on his stand-up act, which was largely about his own family life. I’ve always wondered did his daughter really try to make a shirt for his son like the episode where Denise makes a shirt for Theo with arms of different lengths. Hilarious!

The Cosby Show was a huge success. It’s reported that the show was #1 for 5 consecutive years in the Nielsen Ratings, only 1 of 3 shows to achieve that along with American Idol and All in the Family. The Cosby Show started with over 20 million viewers and averaged up to 30 million viewers per week by Season 4. For 6 seasons, it consistently posted 20+ million, and in season 7, it was still posting numbers of 15 million. It was a bonafide hit. And it continues to roll on in syndication year after year. People love The Cosby Show.


One, because it truly is a funny show.
Two, because we all can relate.

Cosby wanted to showcase the nucleus of the family, and he did so without dumbing it down. He gave moral lessons each week through laughter. He reflected what his own family looked like: husband, wife, 1 son, 4 daughters. We celebrated with them week after week.

And we mourned with them too.

Our hearts broke when Cosby’s only son, Ennis, a 27-year old graduate of Morehouse College and Masters student at Columbia University’s Teachers College, was murdered by Ukrainian immigrant Mikhail Markhasev during a mugging when his Benz got a flat tire on I-405 near Bel Air. We just could not understand how anyone could brag of “shooting a black man and it’s on the news” when he arrived for work at a nearby restaurant. According to testimony, Markhasev demanded money and then shot Ennis for moving too slow to get it. We were all devastated.

To honor Ennis’ memory, Bill & Camille Cosby founded the The Hello, Friend/Ennis William Cosby Foundation to help children with learning disabilities. Like his fictional counterpart Theo Huxtable, Ennis had also overcome dyslexia. He was working on his Masters degree to become a special education teacher. He often used the phrase, “Hello, Friend”, which became the saying of Little Bill in Cosby’s series on Nickelodeon.

Cosby’s public image took several hits in recent years, but everyone marveled at the grace he extended to the murderer of his son when he spoke against giving Markhasev the death penalty. So, when convicted and sentenced, Markhasev received life in prison.

Cosby had every right to demand a life for a life, an eye for an eye. But he didn’t. He demonstrated what Jesus commanded of his disciples in Matthew 5:38-48. Honestly, I don’t know how he turned the other cheek and extended love to his enemy. Parents who have lost children testify that it’s the most unnatural, painful event ever. I’m sure it took time, lots of time.

The Matthew passage says that when we love our enemies, we prove to be the children of our Father in heaven because God provides sun and rain for those who are good and evil. Somehow, we emulate Him.

I hadn’t really thought about it, but I just wondered, “What does that look like when God provides good things for people who hate Him, essentially His enemies?” He could easily choose to vindicate Himself this very day, and one day He will; but for now, He’s doesn’t. He extends grace.

So, today, we celebrate our heavenly Father, and thank Him for His patience.

We celebrate and lift up Cosby, who will always be America’s #1 Dad, as he continues to donate millions to charities and educational scholarships.

And we celebrate our own dads, whom we love and cherish.

Happy Father’s Day!

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About Naima Lett

Naima loves helping folks find their purpose and follow their dreams while deepening their faith. Often called The Hollywood Christian, she believes everyone should find a reason to dance daily, enjoy the 80 degrees and a breeze of the LaLa at least once, and have her Grandmother's bread pudding or sweet potato pie on holidays. Both are divine! :=) -- Dr. Naima Lett, Author: Confessions of a Hollywood Christian, CoPastor: Hope in the Hills, Beverly Hills

2 thoughts on “Celebrating Cosby & Dads

  1. I remember tuning in to the Cosby Show every week and praying that, when I grew up, my own family would model the Cosby’s. The portrayal of such a funny, intelligent, successful, loving and caring Dad gave so many a sense of pride and hope. Bill loved him some Claire, and was never afraid to express his unwavering admiration for the mother of his children. He was respected and adored by his children, patients, wife, parents and friends. There are many unsung Daddy’s out there just like Cliff Huxtable! We see you, we salute you and we appreciate you! Happy Father’s Day!

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