Monthly Archives: March 2012

First Things First. Day 14/40

First Things First – DAY 14 of 40 (LENT)

“Put first things first” is the 3rd habit popularized in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the 15-million-copies-sold self-help phenomenon by Stephen R. Covey, co-founder of time management giant, FranklinCovey.

Named the most influential business book of the 20th century, 7 Habits spun several follow up titles by Covey, including the book First Things First, which also sold over a million copies.

It’s safe to say that putting “first things first” is important to millions of people.

What are first things?

Covey answers: “First things are those things you, personally, find of most worth.” We each can figure out what we value most by what we do first and most often.

Got me to thinking about our reading yesterday in Nehemiah 1.

What did Nehemiah do first?

Before he embarked upon a plan that ultimately led him to lead Judah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days (yes, that’s less than 2 months!), Nehemiah FIRST “sat down and wept, mourned, fasted and prayed before the God of heaven,” when he heard his city was in ruins. (Nehemiah 1:4)

The first thing Nehemiah did was sought the God of heaven.

Before he asked the king for a commission to rebuild his city, for resources to build, for an entourage to help; before he went on midnight assessments through the city, before he gathered the leaders and people and galvanized them into a lean, mean, working machine; before he successfully plotted to defend the city against its enemies; before all of that, Nehemiah fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.

Let’s look at Nehemiah’s prayer again:

Day 14:
Click here to read: NEHEMIAH 1: 4-11

Several things stand out.

1) Nehemiah acknowledged who God is and asked Him to hear his prayers.

When we start a conversation with anyone, especially the Creator of the Universe, it might be a good thing to recognize to whom we are speaking and show reverence. We wouldn’t roll up on the President like, “What up, Homey’. We’d call him, Mr. President. Well, some of us do. Maybe a better example would be the judges of our land. When we go to court, we have to refer to the judge, male or female, as ‘Your Honor’. We recognize to whom we are speaking. So it is in our conversations with God.

2) Nehemiah apologized to God for the wrongdoing of his house, his father’s house and his entire people.

This one might be hard to understand in our western, individualized society. It is difficult to comprehend corporate repentance. Why in the world would we apologize for something that we did not do? Each person should have to answer for his/her own offenses, right?

While this is true, and I believe we each will answer for our own offenses, Nehemiah understood a principle that is transforming. For effective communication to take place, all offenses must be dealt with first.

Think about it. If someone has wronged us, it is very hard to have clear communication with that person until the wrong has been righted. All we see are lips flapping. We cannot hear anything that’s being said because the person has not apologized for the wrong.

Nehemiah understood this. So the first thing he did, after acknowledging God, was to ask for forgiveness for the grave offenses God’s people had committed against God. He understood that he could not ask the Lord to heal his land and his people without asking forgiveness for the entire people, himself and his father’s house, included.

3) Lastly, Nehemiah reminded the Lord of His own promises when he asked for success.

Nehemiah understood that the people did not deserve God’s grace. They were not entitled to God’s help, especially based on their previous rejection of God. Nehemiah reminded God of His own promise to redeem His people if they returned to God.

This is the equivalent of us saying, “Lord, we can’t ask you to do anything based on our own abilities. No matter how fabulous we think we are, whatever You do for us is based on how fabulous You are and the fact that You keep Your word.”

When we ask the Lord to give us success, true success, we recognize that He’s the One whose word and promises we stand on.

So. First things first!

Whatever we are planning, navigating, facing: let’s FIRST pray to the God of heaven –
– acknowledging who He is
– apologizing for our offenses,
– asking for success, based on God’s promises.

Does this help at all?
It’s very encouraging to me… says the first-things-first-type-A-artist-planner! LOL!

Lots of faith, hope and love your way today,


1) Confession & Repentance – Let’s confess our wrongs and ask forgiveness
2) Complete transparency – Let our guard down and talk to God about our lives.
3) Listen – Let’s quiet and listen to God’s Spirit re: the scriptures, etc.
4) Intercession for others – Let’s pray for our family, friends, coworkers, church, etc.

Praying for You. Day 13/40

Praying for You – DAY 13 of 40 (LENT) | Naima Lett

Several of my friends are battling sickness right now.
Maybe yours are too.
Maybe you are.

Some are enduring employment woes, financial hardship, relationship drama. You name it. All Hades has broken loose.

Before I went to bed last night, you were on my heart. I woke up with a burden to pray for you. So that’s what I’m doing. And I invite you to pray for those in your life that are going thru ups and downs too.

So far, this week in our devotionals, we’ve seen that when God’s people corporately pray and fast, the Lord shows up.

Today, let’s see what happens when one child of God decides to pray and fast in intercession for someone else.

Day 13: Today’s Emphasis
Click here to read: NEHEMIAH 1:3-11

If we read further into Nehemiah Chapter 2, we see that God gives Nehemiah success in his request, and he sets out on a mission for the restoration of God’s people and their city. And it all started with a child-like conversation with the God of heaven:

Verse 4, “When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.”

Today, I kneel before the “LORD, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments (vs.5)”, and I wade in the gap for you.

If you’ve sent prayer requests, know that they are being bathe in prayer.
If you have prayer requests, EMAIL me. It’s confidential.
If you have fam who are going thru rough patches, pray for them.

This one thing I know, we have a Father in heaven who cares for His children. And He turns His ear to us as we pray for one another.

I am full today. There have been times when I have been completely empty, in a dry, dry wilderness. Times when the prayers of others carried me. So, I know what it’s like.

Today, I’m strengthened and can go to bat for you. The Lord is near. His ears are attentive. His Spirit is present. And I am truly grateful for the privilege to lift you up. We are all in this thing together. I thank the Lord that His love and care for us endures forever.

And if you happen to be in LA and you’re looking to connect with other fam that can lift you up and walk alongside, we’re in the Hills every Sunday for bible, food & fellowship at Hope in the Hills. No need to try to go at it alone!:=)

Praying for you,


1) Confession & Repentance – Let’s confess our wrongs and ask forgiveness
2) Complete transparency – Let our guard down and talk to God about our lives.
3) Listen – Let’s quiet and listen to God’s Spirit re: the scriptures, etc.
4) Intercession for others – Let’s pray for our family, friends, coworkers, church, etc.

This Battle is God’s. Day 12/40

This Battle is God’s – DAY 12 of 40 (LENT) | Naima Lett

Do you remember Yolanda Adams’ hit The Battle is the Lord’s, (VIDEO:)
Ever wonder where that title came from?

Yesterday, we saw a description of what true fasting is, (Isaiah 58: 1-12).
Today, we see an example of what true fasting does, and where Yolanda’s song originated.

When a vast army came against God’s people, King Jehoshophat called a nationwide fast and Judah sought the Lord’s help. Boy, oh, boy, did God help!

Day 12: Today’s Reading
Click here to read: 2 CHRONICLES 20: 1-30

There is so much in this scripture, but let’s focus on what God did.

The Lord heard and responded to the prayer and fasting of His people. He defended them against their enemies. God fought their battle. By the time Judah showed up, their enemies had already annihilated themselves.

Does that make anybody else leap?
Does hope spring up on the inside?

I’m not one that usually says, “Lord, you did this for so-and-so, so you have to do it for me,” because God is creative and works out each scenario according to His perfect will for each child. Also, every battle is not the same. Sometimes, God’s people fight. Other times, they don’t. Different battles, different strategies. But I do read scriptures like the one above and see God’s
eternal character and heart and know what He’s capable of.

This scripture encourages us that God is more than capable of taking care of His enemies that rise against us. When we talk about enemies, this does not include nemeses that we’ve acquired because we’ve dogged people out and not treated them right. For that, we need to repent to God and go ask folks for forgiveness. The enemies that this scripture alludes to are the ones that want
to wipe us out because we belong to God.

There are some circumstances that we are facing where God is allowing the hardship to mature us and build our trust in Him. There are other situations where our enemy has just gone straight ignorant, and we can fall on our face as Judah did and cry out, “We’ve done nothing wrong, Lord. And look how we are being repaid. Judge our enemy! We can’t fight this vast army. We don’t know
what to do, but our eyes are on you!” Verse 11-12

That’s true humility.
And I believe the Lord loves to answer that kind of prayer.
That’s when He shows up and shows out. He gives us specific instructions on what to do, and as we are obedient, we see Him move on our behalf.

As we fast and pray, let’s ask the Lord to take out the enemy.
Let’s seek and wait for His specific battle plan.
Then, let’s obey, stand and see the salvation of the Lord.
‘Cause, this battle is God’s.

1) Confession & Repentance – Let’s confess our wrongs and ask forgiveness
2) Complete transparency – Let our guard down and talk to God about our lives.
3) Listen – Let’s quiet and listen to God’s Spirit re: the scriptures, etc.
4) Intercession for others – Let’s pray for our family, friends, coworkers, church, etc.

Which Way? Day 11/40

Which Way? | DAY 11 of 40 (LENT)

Times of prayer and fasting can be tricky.

As we kick off the 3rd week of Lent, let’s quickly check in: How are we doing? Are our sacrifices reminding us to pray and seek God? Or are they becoming more perfunctory?

Be encouraged. If some days are more consistent than others, we’re in good company. God’s people in the Book of Isaiah had ups and downs too.

Click here to read ISAIAH 58: 1-12

From the Scripture, we see 2 distinct ways to fast:

What’s really going on?
We see that God’s people can fast and just go through the motions. They can “outwardly” do what looks like fasting, i.e. putting on sackcloth and ashes, giving up food, crying aloud to be seen; but their hearts can be far from true fasting.

While God’s people fasted in Isaiah, they argued and fought and cheated each other and sought their own desires instead of asking God what He desired. They spoke wickedly and made accusations and put on yokes instead of bringing about freedom. Their fast was just a “show”. It wasn’t a fast that grew out of their true devotion and dependence on God.

The Truth:
God exposes our true motivations because He wants us to experience the true freedom that comes while fasting.

Fasting is more than giving up food or sacrificing something important. That’s just one component: the outward manifestation. There is also an inner reality of humility.

If we give up food, but do not pray and seek God, then, we’re just hungry.
The giving up process is simply a means to remind us to seek and depend on God.
The “giving up” should be replaced with “giving in” to God.
God promises that a true fast results in Him guiding us and satisfying us. Let’s ask for that.

The true fast is the one where the bonds of wickedness are broken and people are set free.
The true fast is the one where we serve and meet the needs of others and our families.
The true fast results in recovery and healing and strengthening and refreshing.
The true fast results in God guiding and satisfying us.

Let’s ask the Lord today to reveal to us our true motivations. Which way are we fasting?

Are we going through the motions? Or are we really seeking God? Do we expect spiritual transformation?

God wants us to know what true fasting is because He wants us to experience transformation. Be encouraged, Fam, and let’s press in.

1) Confession & Repentance – Let’s confess our wrongs and ask forgiveness
2) Complete transparency – Let our guard down and talk to God about our lives.
3) Listen – Let’s quiet and listen to God’s Spirit re: the scriptures, etc.
4) Intercession for others – Let’s pray for our family, friends, coworkers, church, etc.

So Much to Be Grateful For. Day 10/40

So Much to Be Grateful For! | DAY 10 of 40 (LENT)

VIDEO/SONG: So Much to Be Grateful For
Calvin Bridges, Stellar Award winner, (This song makes me happy! How about you?)

Fam, what a week! :=)

As we reflect over our first 10 days of 40, (that’s 25% done), be encouraged!

We’re hearing from you that God is answering prayers and revealing more of Himself in your lives, and providing employment opportunities, and comforting thru sickness, and speaking to you in very clear ways. How awesome is that?!

As we continue to lift our requests in faith, with humble hearts, asking for God’s intervention, He is hearing and answering according to what is best for us.

Oh yeah, and He’s also challenging us and testing us in those areas where we need to grow. Anybody had tests this week that revealed what’s truly in our hearts?! I did! So very grateful for the tests.

Our weekends during LENT are times of reflection and thanksgiving. So, let’s take a moment and reflect on at least 5 things to say “THANK YOU” for this week.

I’ll go first. This week, I’m grateful for:
1. My incredible husband, who stayed steady thru a tough week and still kept us smiling!
2. The best dads ever! My dad & my husband’s. You lead with such grace.
3. God healing a dear friend who has endured many ups and downs with health.
4. Just booked acting gig for couple of days. Always thankful for work.
5. The wonderful core team at Hope in the Hills, our bible fellowship. Phenom!
6. Meeting new artists and professionals who are visiting our bible fellowship. Delight!
7. Dialogue with “drive-by” group in BHills. See Day 9 “No More Beverly Hills Drive-Bys”
8. Praise reports & prayer requests from you as we journey together.This is a privilege.

OK, your turn:

Click and read: PSALM 100

As we read this song of thanksgiving and praise, things in life start looking up, don’t they? We give thanks to God because He really is good and His love really does endure forever and He really is faithful for all generations.

Even when we are not, God is solid, unwavering, steadfast. For that, we can be grateful!

Let’s find reasons to say, “Thank You” this weekend, to God, and to one another. Even if things aren’t exactly the way we want them to be, we’re still here and have a chance to see change happen.

Lots of love your way.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
See you Monday!

Our weekends during our 40-day journey of devotions through LENT season, will be a time of reflection and thanksgiving. Traditionally, during LENT, SUNDAYS are considered mini-celebrations (symbolizing Christ’s resurrection) following FRIDAYS’ special times of fasting (symbolizing His death). Thus, LENT starts on Ash Wednesday and goes for 46 days ending Easter, but the 6 Sundays are excluded, equaling 40 days. We make a sacrifice of something meaningful for the entire 40 days, but Sundays are excluded. So, Saturday, you’ll get a devotional that you can meditate on for the entire weekend. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks!

1) Confession & Repentance – Let’s confess our wrongs and ask forgiveness
2) Complete transparency – Let our guard down and talk to God about our lives.
3) Listen – Let’s quiet and listen to God’s Spirit re: the scriptures, etc.
4) Intercession for others – Let’s pray for our family, friends, coworkers, church, etc.

No More Beverly Hills Drive-Bys, Please! Day 9/40

No More Beverly Hills Drive-Bys, Please- DAY 9/40 (LENT)

OK, this is family business.

Yesterday, I walked to the post office here in Beverly Hills and encountered the scene in the picture above: dozens of large black and yellow picket signs holding Beverly Drive hostage, donning slogans like “TURN FROM EVIL”, “FEAR GOD” and “REPENT”!

Immediately, my heart plummeted.

I lead a church plant in Beverly Hills, Hope in the Hills with my husband Kevin, one block from this scene. I’ve served in ministry for over a decade, and I’m almost done with my doctorate degree in preaching. That being said, I am DONE with picket sign evangelism.

Family, can we put down the signs and take somebody to coffee? Have a meal? Meet a need? Pray for somebody?

“Is this really effective?” I asked the organizer. “Do you live here? Know anybody in this neighborhood?”

“We’re not from here!” he insisted, “We drove from _______ (suburban city 45 minutes away), because people need to know that if they don’t turn, they are condemned! If one person “drives by”, sees our sign and repents, we’ve done the work of the Lord.”

A passionate conversation ensued between us about this “drive-by” evangelistic approach. I posted part on Facebook. Some fam agreed with me. Some disagreed.

Here’s the thing.
As a minister, I don’t have a problem with the concept of street evangelism. As an artist, I vehemently oppose anybody driving 45 minutes to our city to convert us ‘heathen entertainers and professionals’ of Hollywood without taking the time to invest in relationships and to get to know us.

Can we please resist the urge to roll through with picket signs and leaflets staging a protest in front of the local grocery store when people are trying to grab bagels and fruit before work? Instead, let’s do some research. Inquire of area leaders to find out the most effective way to communicate. Otherwise, we may create huge stumbling blocks and build greater walls in the city “doing in the work of the Lord” before we return to our suburban homes.

OK, this is supposed to be a daily devotional. :=)
So, let’s look at some scriptures. How did Jesus interact with people? How did He draw people to Himself? Are we following His example?

DAY 9:
Click and read: Matthew 4:18-25

We see how Jesus calls his first disciples. We also see that his ministry is spent meeting the needs of the people. Verse 23 says that Jesus went through all Galilee teaching in the synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness among the people.

Feel free to also read: Matthew 9:9-13

Jesus and his disciples are grilled for eating dinner and having fellowship with “tax collectors” and “sinners.” Jesus’ response is that he has come for the sick, not the healthy.

Finally, if you have time, read Luke 19:41-44

Jesus weeps for the city of Jerusalem. When is the last time we wept for the lost? If the Son of God weeps for the lost, should we not also weep for them? What a difference it would make, I think, if people knew we were moved to such compassion that we cried for them.

I am not painting Jesus as a wimpy, cry baby God. Right after he weeps for Jerusalem, in Luke 19:45-48, he turns over thieves’ tables in the temple. Most of his rebukes are to the Pharisees and religious leaders who tried to take Him out. But as Verse 48 says, the religious leaders could not find a way to kill Him before His time, “because all the people hung on his words.”

Are people hanging on our words as we speak His word?
Are we that magnetic that hundreds of people just want to be around us, day in, day out?
Are we meeting people’s needs, physically and spiritually, as Jesus did?

Jesus drew people to Himself.

He repelled the people who saw Him as a threat to the established religious order. He didn’t beat the normal folks down in their sins. He lovingly confronted their sin, usually one-on-one, i.e. woman at the well (John 4:17-26), and then invited them to believe in Him.

One-on-one means building relationships.

How many unbelievers do we genuinely care for because they are made in the image of our wonderful God? How many relationships are we cultivating? And not out of some twisted plan to get another notch on our soul-saving belts… but because we authentically love like God loves?

Family, I humbly ask that we consider ways to magnetize and draw, as opposed to repulsion, when it comes to our evangelistic approach. Let’s ask ourselves if the picket line is an effective evangelistic tool. Why are we trying to get one “drive-by” to look at a sign and repent instead of actually building relationships that lead to a much deeper and richer life for all of us.

Maybe we would change our minds about “drive-by” evangelism if we witnessed how ineffective it is in some of the dicier parts of LA. See if picketing downtown on Skid Row works. Ditch Beverly Drive and try carrying signs to gang territory. Even better, picket in the suburbs 45 minutes away. How will our own neighbors respond when we decide to stand in front of their homes with signs saying “TURN FROM YOUR EVIL WAYS!” How will our child’s kindergarten teacher feel when we picket outside her classroom with signs like “REPENT!” But we’re not doing that, are we?

Perhaps it is easier to drive to someone else’s neighborhood and stand on a corner and hold up a sign and pat ourselves on the back that we have “done the work of the Lord”, than it is to actually “do the work of the Lord” as Jesus did and get involved in people’s lives, eating with tax collectors and sinners.

Perhaps it is easier to throw stones at my artist friends here in Hollywood than it is to actually care for the souls of artists in LA who are rejected every day, broken and just plain “broke”, trying to have faith and hold on to a dream while constantly struggling with identity crises and being fed lies that we are “not good enough, pretty enough, talented enough” to “make it”.

Want to make a difference in Hollywood?
Pray for us. We need intercessors. Partner with us. We need support. If you know any professionals and artists looking for bible, food and fellowship, send them our way. We meet on Sundays from 11:30-12:30, followed by lunch.

Want to really shake things up?
Pray and ask the Lord to provide you with a stable job in LA so that you can help us build this dream of a church that looks like heaven (diverse), sounds like heaven (worship), loves like God loves and lives like Christ lives. Pray that we will continue to influence the influencers and change the media from the inside out.

When followers of Christ come to Beverly Hills, please bring hope to these hills. Please bring the good news that Jesus died and rose again because He loved us.

Life in LaLa Land is hard enough without more condemnation. Hell is real, and I don’t want any of my friends going there. So I’m weeping for them before the Lord. Will you weep with me? Can we allow our hearts to be broken and ask the Lord to give us His heart?

No more Beverly Hills drive-bys, please.
Let’s do lunch and get to know one another and others instead.

Your sister, Naima
Author, Confessions of a Hollywood Christian
Co-founder, Hope in the Hills, a bible fellowship

** We’ve been journeying thru this season of LENT (46 days minus 6 Sundays = 40 days of fasting and prayer leading to Easter). You’re welcome to jump in.

Hold on, Help is on the Way! Day 8/40

Hold on! Help is on the Way! | DAY 8 of 40 (LENT)

HERE is Whitney’s version from Preacher’s Wife.

That’s right! HOLD ON!
If we’ve been sacrificing and praying for a week now and wondering, “Where’s the answer to our prayers?”, HOLD ON!

We just finished our 3-part look at life’s tests in Matthew 4:1-11, and we learned that tests reveal what’s in our hearts, and we master them by depending on God and His Word. As we continue through our 40 days together, we may find that our faith will continually be tested in the very areas that we’re praying over.

What’s our prayer request of the Lord?
What specific area are we asking Him to resurrect by Easter?

If it seems our answer is held up in the heaven-lies, HOLD ON! That could very well be the case!

Today, let’s look at a fascinating story of one of the prophet Daniel’s many fasts. This one is a 21-day fast in which Daniel eats no meat, drinks no wine, and puts on no lotions. Guess he isn’t worried about being ash-y :=) Just kidding! In many of the biblical fasts, we see people dressing in sackcloth and deliberately putting on ashes. So no, ash is not a concern.

An angel is sent to reveal to Daniel that during Daniel’s fast, there is a whole war being fought spiritually between angels on his behalf behind the scenes. We can be encouraged that ultimately God hears our prayers, has set things in motion and has everything under control.

DAY 8: READ DANIEL 10: 1-14

The angel of the Lord revealed to Daniel that he (the angel) had been dispatched with Daniel’s answer from the Lord on DAY #1. But a demonic angel known as the prince of Persia, opposed and fought with Daniel’s angel for 21 days – 21 days! That’s like 3 weeks.

Could we keep fasting and praying and mourning and waiting for 3 weeks, no answer?!

I imagine Daniel is fasting and praying for 21 days and probably wondering WHY God is not answering him. He has no idea there is a cosmic battle going on behind the scenes.

Then God sends in the Big Gun: Michael, sometimes referred to as the Archangel or the Commander of the Lord’s Army. I can’t wait to meet Michael one day. He’s my kind of angel. You don’t mess with Michael! Michael helps Daniel’s angel overcome his opponent so that Daniel can finally receive his answer from the Lord.

What does any of this have to do with us?

* We DON’T know WHAT is going on behind the scenes in the spirit realm on our behalf. Angels could be knocking over stuff, blowing up stuff, taking each other out, trying to move and shift things in the direction of our prayers. We don’t know what the battle looks like. We don’t know how many legions of angels were dispatched on DAY 1. We currently have the Holy Spirit, who speaks directly to our hearts. So we don’t always have to wait, as Daniel did, to hear directly from the Lord. But the results of what we’re praying for could still take significant warfare in order to transform earth to reflect what’s happening in heaven. Make sense?

* We DO know that there are definite demonic forces that come against us and our spiritual disciplines of fasting and prayer break their spiritual power (Matthew 17:14-21).

* Finally, we know we don’t have to worry or stress. God’s got a plan. He knows what He’s doing. We can just focus on being faithful and doing our part. We’re sacrificing. We’re praying. We’re standing in faith. The good news is that God wins. Our enemy is always defeated.


1) Confession & Repentance – Let’s confess our wrongs and ask forgiveness
2) Complete transparency – Let’s talk to God about the truth of our lives.
3) Listen – Let’s quiet and listen to God’s Spirit re: the scriptures, etc.
4) Intercession for others – Let’s pray for our family, friends, coworkers, etc.