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What attracts you, Fam?
That’s what I need to know.
Good music, food, gifts? All of the above?
You may be aware by now that our Hope in the Hills fam is hosting An Evening of Prayer & Praise next SAT 9/27 6PM as part of LA’s 10 Days of Prayer. So, I’m trying to figure out how to get folks out.
As I spoke with one of our beautiful fam/PR specialist, it became clear that because of what’s attractive to me, I assume “Everybody values prayer! Who wouldn’t want to gather and sing and pray and eat and fellowship?” Is that true? We don’t know. When I don’t know, I ask somebody.
Hello, Somebody! Is this type of evening attractive to you? We’ve been given a fabulous space downtown on Hope Street (Thank you, Nick!). We’ve invited incredible and diverse vocalists, dancers, musicians, pastors and friends to participate including the West Los Angeles Children’s Choir. We’ve already started fasting and praying as we prepare to gather for UNITY and send up our petitions and songs to the heavenlies, and we’ve planned a scrumptious dinner with great fellowship. We think all these things are fantastic, but what do you think?
Would you allow me to have a little fun in this post and throw out some facetious ideas to see if these attract you? Please don’t take these seriously. I don’t.
Prayer is Sexy
Would it work if we said that prayer is sexy? It isn’t, really, but would that attract you? Talking to God is incredibly intimate, but sexy – not so much. Prayer is normal and conversational. There are times when things are downright ugly with crying, or joyous with dancing, or even stillness with silence. Most times, though, prayer is just regular. And that’s how we usually are – regular folks talking regular to our Lord.
Celebrity Networking
Do we need to invite celebrity friends and promise you networking opportunities? Would that work? Yal know I’m very tight-lipped in this area. Folks don’t know who I know. But I’ve been told regularly that if we want folks to come out, we need to parade our friends before you, which seems incredibly insensitive to me. I’m not sure how we got to the place where talking to God needs celebrity validation, but if this motivates you, hey, let us know!
You’ll Get Some Stuff
Do you need to get some stuff? If so, what? A gift bag? A promise? I was told that I need to show you some benefits for you to come. Really? Okay, some benefits are you’ll know that you’re not alone in the LaLa. We have great community, fellowship, worship, authenticity. This whole night is part of a larger international movement, so we’re jumping into a river of prayer and praise that’s moving all over the world.
Look, we believe in prayer. We know that God answers. We’ve experienced miracles. We’ve seen God move mountains, fight battles, create work, heal, save, deliver, provide, love and walk with us. We think it’s amazing that He actually allows us to participate and be on the front-lines talking and listening with Him as the spectacular drama of our lives unfold.
I’ve made a lot of jokes today, but the truth is I can share who we are and what we’re doing and Who God is and what He’s doing and trust that His Spirit draws and gives you a desire for more of Him. Will your needs be met? God loves you. If you ask, He hears you. We may not always get exactly what we want, but God meets our needs according to His will.
Wind Machines
And if all else fails to attract you, we can rent wind machines to whip our hair around while we praise and worship. If that’s the only way you’ll come hang out, make your requests known.
Thanks for letting me have a little fun today.
Hope to see you next week. Let me know if you’re coming, and please spread the word. And if you’re out of town, please pray for us. God has really been close to us lately and we know He wants to heal the nations, our nation, our city, our families and our industry. We’ve got an assignment, and we will be on post SEPT 27th, having a good time with angels in our City of Angels.
Lots of love from the LaLa,
Rev. Naima Lett, D.MIN, ABD
The Hollywood Christian®
Author of coming release Confessions of a Hollywood Christian®
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