For the Fellas… 3 Secrets About the Ladies You Love

For the Fellas… 3 Secrets About the Ladies You Love,
LENT DAY 2/40, ©


Happy Valentine’s Day!
This one’s for the Fellas…
3 Secrets About the Ladies You Love.

It’s Day 2 of Lent, and yesterday, I promised to be your tour guide over the next 40 days leading to Easter’s Celebration. So today, as we navigate Love’s Day, I embrace my role in this great big faith family as “Everybody’s Sister” and feel excited to let you in on a little insider information concerning the women that you cherish.

Secret #1:
Understanding is optional.

“You get me,” I complimented my husband the other day.
“Not really,” he chuckled, “But, I try.”

Those 3 words (“But, I try”) go a long way with us, my brothers. We know, and many times enjoy, that we are complicated and complex beings with lots of ideas and feelings that we’re eager to express and have the freedom to change at will. That’s a part of what makes us unique as women and probably intrigued you and attracted you to us in the first place.

But what my husband figured out, (and I guess has worked over the last 11 years that we’ve been married), is that you don’t have to fully understand us. Just try. It means the same to us. When you listen and actually try to comprehend the intricacies of our world, it’s like what David sang about God’s law, it’s “more precious than gold, than much pure gold; sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.” Ps 19:10 Your trying is most precious to us.

Secret #2:
Sex is communication.

We are in a constant dialogue with you. That goes for all things physical as well. And we have the best time with you when that dialogue is free of offenses. Everything’s kinda connected in our world. If things get disconnected, it usually means we’ve been hurt.

I remember working at a ministry once where 2 male colleagues had a huge disagreement over protocol. I could hear them yelling at each other in the next office. Yelling! Like I thought they’d come to blows. Then, they saw that it was lunch time, put the argument on hold and bopped out to go get pizza. Yal have some sort of compartmentalization thing that is deep.

Growing up in a house full of men and having mostly guy friends, some of that has rubbed off on me. But be clear, if you yell and holler at us, and then turn around and think we’re bout to get busy, you’ve been listening to too many Tyrese records. That’s some movie fantasy or reality show anecdote. Mature women need reconciliation first. See Mt 5:23-24. If you want great sex., (we do too), let’s make sure all the other parts of the conversation are fluid.

Secret #3:
Love is essential.

There’s a reason that Ephesians 5:25 asks husbands to love their wives as sacrificially as Christ loves His church. We deeply need and resonate with that kind of love. We will follow you to the moon and back again when you love us like that… even when we know a shorter cut that could save everybody a lot of frustration and headaches. LOL!

We see your full potential from the very beginning and sign up for the long haul – to pray for you, champion you, encourage you, push you, and never ever let you give up. We will be in your corner and whisper (or holler) hope in your ears when you need it the most.

We will put on our jerseys that don your name and take up a hockey stick and fight lions and bears on ice if we have to in order to see God’s will for your life come to pass. When we know that we are loved, we love back with a fierce and determined love. We are with you when you have and when you have not, because we don’t do part-time commitment.

Not enough time…

There’s just not enough space here to unpack all of this, but if you want to know, on this Valentine’s Day, how to win and keep our hearts and have a wonderful, romantic time, try to understand us, clear up any communication breakdowns and let us know that you love us.

Now, we all have different love languages… but that’s a post for another day!

Happy V-Day,
Your Big (or Lil) Sis,

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About Naima Lett

Naima loves helping folks find their purpose and follow their dreams while deepening their faith. Often called The Hollywood Christian, she believes everyone should find a reason to dance daily, enjoy the 80 degrees and a breeze of the LaLa at least once, and have her Grandmother's bread pudding or sweet potato pie on holidays. Both are divine! :=) -- Dr. Naima Lett, Author: Confessions of a Hollywood Christian, CoPastor: Hope in the Hills, Beverly Hills