Finding a Power Source

Finding a Power Source

© Andrew Burton, Getty Images, New York, source

New York Fam are relentless.

CNN showed them in a crowd wrapped around their news satellite truck post-Sandy charging cell phones and iPads in coats and burly hunting hats. The photo above has ’em holed up at a Chase bank.

When you need power, you gotta do what you gotta do.

From the Caribbean to the U.S. to Canada, Sandy has still left millions without power and electricity. In an age where many of us have let go of landline phones, being without power means being without communication. And let’s be honest, that’s just rough!

I remember when I said I wouldn’t be enslaved to carrying around a mobile phone every where I went. Then, I said I wouldn’t have emails flooding straight to my purse. Lastly, I said I’d be the Last of the Mohicans enabling text messages because it just made sense that folks who needed to speak to me would just call. Right? Yeah… turns out I wasn’t the last by a long shot.

Today, our communication devices hold enough charge for about 24 hours. Then we’ve got to recharge. We’ve got to find a power source.

Our Power Source

I believe this is a wonderful word picture of our spiritual relationship with God. Jesus painted an illustration for His disciples by using an image that they’d be very familiar with: a vine with fruit. In John 15: 1-8, He explains that He’s the vine and those who follow Him are the branches and in order to be effective, we need to stay connected to the vine.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples…”

We were created to bear fruit, in other words, to be productive on this earth. God is glorified as we remain in His Son and His Word remains in us and we ask and do according to His will. As long as we remain in Him, our vine, our true Power Source, we are guaranteed to bear much fruit. It’s a beautiful thing.

It’s also really refreshing to me to know that we don’t have to try to make this fruit yield on our own. We’re connected to the source, the Creator, the One Who created power itself. How encouraging!

We pray for the physical power grids on the East Coast to be repaired soon and for electricity to be returned to all our brothers and sisters. We also pray for our spiritual power grid all over the world to be repaired and for our relationships with God to be strengthened as we find our life and power in His Son.

Still lifting you up from the LaLa,

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About Naima Lett

Naima loves helping folks find their purpose and follow their dreams while deepening their faith. Often called The Hollywood Christian, she believes everyone should find a reason to dance daily, enjoy the 80 degrees and a breeze of the LaLa at least once, and have her Grandmother's bread pudding or sweet potato pie on holidays. Both are divine! :=) -- Dr. Naima Lett, Author: Confessions of a Hollywood Christian, CoPastor: Hope in the Hills, Beverly Hills