Great Rehearsal. Day 25/40


Rehearsal usually means sweat pants, sweat shirts, or just plain sweat, if we’re dancers or athletes.

Actors run lines and blocking. Musicians drill and run. Choirs sing again and again and again.

Usually rehearsals precede actual events. We rehearse in order to get our movements, notes, words, and actions so ingrained in our bodies that when we perform, everything flows from a place of familiarity.

There’s also another definition of “rehearse”. While it means “to train and make proficient through repetition”, it also means “to present an account of”.

Today, let’s look at God’s people in their great rehearsal: presenting an account of how great their God is.

Day 25: (Only 15 to go!)
Click here and read: NEHEMIAH 9: 1-21
Entire Chapter: Nehemiah 9

By Chapter 9, God’s people have ate, drank and celebrated; and are back to a solemn assembly and fast. They confess their sins, hear God’s law, and are instructed to “Stand up and praise the LORD your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting.” Verse 5

Commence the “Great Rehearsal”!

The people of God begin to bless God and rehearse (give an account of) how He made heaven and earth and land and sea. They recount His covenant and promises and rehearse the entire Egypt saga, Mount Sinai, Moses, Canaan, their disobedience, God’s faithfulness, their disobedience again, God’s faithfulness again and on and on. They end their rehearsal of all God’s goodness with an agreement to follow God’s law again (Nehemiah 10).

We usually use our weekends during LENT for reflection and thanksgiving. However, today, let’s follow the lead of God’s people in Chapter 9 and rehearse what He’s done thus far. This could be the last 25 days or the last 25 years.

If we had the opportunity to “stand up and praise the Lord your God, who is everlasting to everlasting”, what would we say?

I would say, “You alone are the Lord. In the last 25 days of this Lenten season, You have amazingly answered our prayers and blessed several of our brothers and sisters with much-needed, steady employment to provide their needs. You have healed sicknesses and revealed true diagnoses. You have mended relationships and protected those we love from seen and unseen danger. You have revealed areas of growth and revealed sin that I could repent. You continue to teach me to forgive and love like you forgive and love. You opened doors that only You could open and lovingly slammed doors that were not Your absolute best for me. Thank you.”

What would you say?
“You alone are the Lord. You have….”

Let’s not be shy. Let’s rehearse His great blessings and exploits. Let’s present an account of His goodness.

Why? Because He absolutely deserves it.
And after we’ve greatly rehearsed, let’s agree to follow Him.
After all, the spotlight rightly belongs to Him, and He won’t lead His children whom He loves astray.

Got my sweats on. Warming up.
What about you?

1) Confession & Repentance – Let’s confess our wrongs and ask forgiveness
2) Complete transparency – Let our guard down and talk to God about our lives.
3) Listen – Let’s quiet and listen to God’s Spirit re: the scriptures, etc.
4) Intercession for others – Let’s pray for our family, friends, coworkers, church, etc.

About Naima Lett

Naima loves helping folks find their purpose and follow their dreams while deepening their faith. Often called The Hollywood Christian, she believes everyone should find a reason to dance daily, enjoy the 80 degrees and a breeze of the LaLa at least once, and have her Grandmother's bread pudding or sweet potato pie on holidays. Both are divine! :=) -- Dr. Naima Lett, Author: Confessions of a Hollywood Christian, CoPastor: Hope in the Hills, Beverly Hills